April 23, 2016 | 1208 Washington Place | Columbia, SC | 9pm-2am

Interview by Tiana McGee of A.Bevy at Winthrop University

Elexis Ross is a Lugoff, SC native and Winthrop University Eagle with her most impressionable trait being - her strength. Ross doesn’t give up easily or let other people’s opinions bring her down. Ross remembers to focus on what’s ahead and to never let anyone have power over her. Ross says, “No matter what, I will always be me.” For Ross, being authentic is important because you are honoring true self. Today’s society tries to conform people to be a certain way which causes people to be stripped of who they really are. When you stay true to yourself you will find that you will be more successful. If she could leave anything behind in this world it would be her strong outlook on life.  

What do you believe is the most "impressive" and memorable trait, talent, or value that you possess and why?

"I am mentally strong. This means a lot of things. I don't give up easily, I don't let people's opinions of me bring me down, I don't dwell on the past, I learn from it and move on, I don't mind change, I don't let anyone think they have power over me, and no matter what society says, I will always be me."

Why do you think it is important for young adults to be "authentic" and true to themselves in today's society?

"It is important because you honor your true self. Today's society tries to conform people to be a certain way which causes people to be stripped of who they really are. When you stay true to yourself you will find that you will be more successful."

If you could impress upon, give, or leave anything to this world, what would it be?

"If I could leave anything to this world it would be my strong outlook on life."

What authentic impression will you leave?

ACG Inquiries | acg@abevy.org